
He who controls the spice, controls, the universe!

-Baron Harkonnen

Temperate herbs are wonderful, but they pale in comparrison with the aromas and flavors of tropical spice plants. It is no wonder that these spices were once among the most valuable substances in the world. Many fortunes were made and lost, transporting spices from the tropics to Western Europe.

Today, these exotic flavors are available in most markets around the world. Unfortunately though, those spices are often not very fresh. To smell the aroma of a fresh alspice leaf is intoxicating. The flavor of fresh, undried bay leaves is very different from the dusty, dried leaves you get at a market.

Growing your own spice is very rewarding. Many of the tropical spices are perennials, so you don’t have to replant every year the way you do with many herbs. Tropical spices are beautiful additions to a landscape as well. Often these plants smell just as good in your yard as they do in food. I’m always looking for new spice plants that will survive in my climate.