Hedychium luna moth

Hedychium luna moth

This interesting ginger is a hybrid. The hybridizer did not reveal the parentage, but Hedychium coronarium is, without question, one of the parents. The flowers are quite large, and make for a rather stunning presentation. They have the same fragrance as Hedychium...
Hedychium coronarium

Hedychium coronarium

White Butterfly Ginger Hedychium coronarium is by far the most fragrant ginger that I grow in my collection. Here in Florida they aren’t a rare plant, but they are far from ordinary. When a large stand of them is in bloom, you can smell them from anywhere in...
Globba schomburgkii

Globba schomburgkii

orange fairy ginger In parts of China it is thought that the flowers of this plant ward off evil spirits. The dainty little flowers really do look like fairies or some other magical creatures dancing in your garden. This is such a beautiful little plant, and so easy...
Curcuma rubrobracteata

Curcuma rubrobracteata

The one thing to say about this plant is that there isn’t much said about it. This is a newly recorded species from Southern China and Thailand. One really cool thing about the species is that it grows very long runner like rhizomes. These quickly spread through...
Curcuma elata

Curcuma elata

Hidden Ginger These large growing plants with beautiful flowers are great ginger plants for people who are inexperienced with growing ginger. Hidden ginger plants are very easy plants to grow, and they make a bold statement in the garden with their broad leaves and...
Curcuma alismatifolia

Curcuma alismatifolia

Siam Tulip The Thai tulip (Curcuma alismatifolia), so named because of its superficial resemblance to tulips, is actually a ginger related to the spice plant Turmeric (Curcuma longa). This plant is a perfect choice for people just starting out with gingers. Many...